Stress-free Packing Ideas

Among all the preparations for going on holiday, loading the car is one of the tasks that too often is left to the last moment. When there’s simply too much luggage and too little space, hard choices must be made about what to leave behind.

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GOODS & GEAR Muddy Madam GOODS & GEAR Muddy Madam

Beevitalise Board & Bowl Restore

With no additives, solvents, silicons or thinners, Beevitalise is just a lush mix of natural plant based oils and beeswax that’s not only perfect for chopping boards, but as the name says it can also be used on wooden salad bowls, butcher's blocks and platters.

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GOODS & GEAR Muddy Madam GOODS & GEAR Muddy Madam

Goodr OG Sunglasses

These very affordable sunglasses were in a press goodie bag, and I immediately claimed them as they looked rather funky, and they fit perfectly. After a good deal of wearing…

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STORYMAN Blended Scotch Whisky

After popping along to the Food & Drink show at the NEC this week, we came across James Cosmo and his whisky. You’ll definitely recognise James’ face even if the name doesn't immediately ring a bell.

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How to make a DIY Fire Starter

For the average camper, feathering your kindling, and doing all the palaver to get your fire going, can be a bit of a faff, so if you can do something to help things move along more swiftly why wouldn't you?

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GOODS & GEAR Muddy Madam GOODS & GEAR Muddy Madam

Ring Hands Free Inspection Light

When burying yourself under the bonnet or working on the underside of your car, usually a head torch is the tool of choice for seeing what you are fiddling with, but Ring has got another option that is actually a bit more flexible.

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GOODS & GEAR Muddy Madam GOODS & GEAR Muddy Madam

Ocean Bottles

Ocean Bottle fund plastic collection centres in Brazil, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, with 372 communities benefiting from a formalised waste management infrastructure. 

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GOODS & GEAR Muddy Madam GOODS & GEAR Muddy Madam

Unibank (*updated)

Haven't we all been in the situation when you desperately need to make a call, or look up an address, and your phone is on its last few percent, and there's nowhere to charge it?

Unibank can be charged up as normal, but it also has a pull cord to charge the power bank when electricity isn't available…

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VEHICLES Damian Turner VEHICLES Damian Turner

Review: 2023 Kia Xceed

The Kia Xceed is the vehicle you end up with after you adorn your normal Ceed with some chunky black bumpers and wheel arch protectors, raised suspension and a sprinkling of style.

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