The Mud Life Magazine

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Land Rover & Bear Grylls Surprise 13 Year Old...

In Land Rover’s 70th year, Hay Festival 2018 played the backdrop to a very special surprise for a young boy who truly went Above and Beyond for his family.

13 year old Scout Blake Harris known as ‘Baby Bear’ from Worcester attended Hay Festival over the late May bank holiday weekend expecting to watch his hero Bear Grylls talk at the annual literary festival. But Blake had the surprise of his life when his hero arrived in a bespoke camouflaged Land Rover Discovery bearing his name to take him on a mini adventure.

The adventurers went off-roading to a secret wood where Grylls set up a bespoke shelter for Blake to light a fire, scavenge maggots for a tasty afternoon snack and get to grips with a catapult.

The surprise was planned by Bear himself, supported by Land Rover and Blake’s mother Liz. The goal was to honour Blake’s brave spirit and dedication to his sister Lily-Mai who is diagnosed with a terminal cancer. Blake also suffers from autism which went undiagnosed for many years all of which has lead Blake to encounter tough episodes in life.

Grylls said: “Wow. It’s not often you get to hang out with such a special young man who has had to deal with so many difficulties in life. He embodies that Above and Beyond spirit and never gives up which makes him an example to us all.

“It has been such a privilege to spend this time with Blake. He is a credit to his family and the Scouts. Keep going buddy!”

Blake Harris said: “I couldn’t believe that Bear was there in a Land Rover designed just for me. To have some time with the Chief Scout and learn lessons from how Bear has dealt with difficulties in his life is a once in a life-time opportunity. I will never forget the experience and it will motivate me for the future.”

Liz Bishop, Blake’s mother said “I can’t thank Land Rover and Bear enough for an incredible day, I’ll never forget the surprise on Blake’s face when he realised Bear was there for him. I am sure the memories will provide huge amounts of motivation for the future.”