Tantrums & The Tart

Lilly, like every other dog, has nails, and nails that grow quite a bit. Lurcher nails are long anyway due to needing the grip when dashing around like a whirling dervish, but I started noticing that they may need attention when she was play fighting with Damian and his arm ended up looking like a road map of red scratches akin to Birmingham’s famous Spaghetti Junction.

Lilly like every other dog has nails, and nails that grow quite a bit. Lurcher nails are long anyway due to needing the grip when dashing around like a whirling dervish, but I started noticing that they may need attention when she was play fighting with Damian and his arm ended up looking like a road map of the Spaghetti Junction with the amount of red scratches.

Her dewclaws - the ones that are a bit further up the leg - had quite a demonly sharp end, mainly as they never make contact with the ground, so never wear away. I grabbed some pretty sturdy human nail clippers, and she happily let me chop off the point. All good.

Well this lulled me into a false sense of security thinking that  she would be fine with me tackling the rest.  After a quick call to Pam, my dog groomer friend, for recommendations of nail clippers and a quick internet order later, they arrived the next day. I waited until she was happily relaxing, picked up the clippers and positioned them at a toenail.

Oh no, she was having none of it. Gone was the calm dog who let me clipper her dewclaws, replaced by a grumpster who was utterly determined to avoid all contact. I hadn't even touched her toenail, not one cut was attempted, she was just being a mardy arse.  Such a drama queen!

A few days later, a second attempt, the same result.  Third go, no deal, so I rang Pam and arranged for her, a professional, to have a go.

Damian and I rocked up to her grooming parlour - Best Friends in Gatley, and lifted her on the table. I was glad to see that Lilly played up for Pam too, to the point that she offered to muzzle her, but in the end a slight head lock from her Dad was what it took to let Pam swing into action.

Approximately 2 minutes later, and all was done, and we left Pam's and headed to the car, but not before Lilly wandered into the hairdressers next door, which had the door open in an irresistible invite for a nosey pup. She introduced herself to all the ladies with a wiggly bum, happy smile, and absolutely no sign of the trauma that her evil parents had just put her through.

What a total tart!


Get a dog, it's good for you.


💖Teeny Tot Photos💖